Late one evening, young Danforth boards the mysterious Antarctic Express: an airplane bound for the South Pole. There, he probes the depths of the city of the Old Ones. As he flees in terror from the piping cries of the shuggoths, his mind suppresses the memory. But it will return on Christmas Eve…
The Antarctic Express is the second volume in the Mini Mythos series, designed to introduce a new generation of fans to H.P. Lovecraft's strange creations. Author Kenneth Hite used Lovecraft's story "At the Mountains of Madness" as the inspiration for this volume. Not-too-scary illustrations by Christina Rodriguez bring the tale to life.
- A Lovecraft-inspired parody of classic children's literature. Bedtime Elder Gods = Entertainment!
- Text by Cthulhu-mythos aficionado Kenneth Hite takes readers on a train to child-friendly horror.
- Features eldritch, full-color art by Christina Rodriguez.
"From outside came the sounds of whirring propellers and rumbling engines. I looked through my window and saw an airplane standing perfectly still in front of my house."
Author: Kenneth Hite
Illustrator: Christina Rodriguez
Format: 32-page hardcover with gloss finish, full-color, 10 x 8 1/2 inches (landscape).